The Pleiadians
The Pleiadians are beings of Light, superior consciousness, from the fifth dimension – the vibrational range of our Higher Self. The fifth dimension, or Plan of Truth, of Unconditional Love, is a level above the third dimension, the world of duality where we, incarnated human beings, live. They are experts in human knowledge. They are the idealizers of the human project on Earth and are there to assist in the planetary transition. They are at the service of others and are available to unite with a number of people and, the more the merrier, for a smoother planetary transition. It is necessary, however, that there is also the proper vibrational purification so that they can access these frequencies of Light. This whole path is guided by the Higher Self of the person. All people, current channelers, have Pleiadian origin, usually old shamans in other incarnations who have an ease of tuning in with these Pleiadian consciousnesses, because, in a way, they have knowledge of the “language”, which makes communication easier. . Remember, good old acupuncture is the first known Pleiadian technique. Originating from the last time they were on our planet and passed on this knowledge to the most advanced people of the time who were the Tibetans, as a gift to help humanity during the period of low vibration, or darkness, that we have lived in the last 12,000 years.
The Pleiadians are very loving, kind, humorous and fun beings. They love that the opportunity for work arises, because, in addition to allowing them to help younger brothers and sisters on their journey on earth, it also contributes to their own spiritual evolution through the fulfillment of their mission. They must accompany our evolution on this planet in the next thousand years and they will do so in a cooperative way, respecting our free will, which is a sacred divine law that cannot be interfered with, and they will help us to build a new archetype in medicine, in art. and in the science of healing, evolving towards a vibrational, electromagnetic, holistic model, where all multidimensional, quantum and holographic aspects of the human being are taken into account. The allopathic-materialist medicine currently predominant in the western world, whose structure is focused on disease, on financial gain, on reactive processes that only act when diseases are already manifested in the physical body, will be transformed into a new medicine: spiritualized, health-oriented , for self-knowledge, prevention and detection of energy imbalances in more subtle levels of our holographic structure, without direct manifestation in the physical vehicle. At that moment we will be living in the new Age of Light.
They work unceasingly to contribute the human race to its journey on the road to the Light. Also remembering that in our ancestral archetype the colors blue and white represent the Pleiades, the same colors that our collective unconscious uses for the mantle of Mother Mary, and for the mantle of Kwan Yin, the Divine Mother of the Buddha, in the eastern world. Therefore, invoking the Pleiadians ultimately amounts to invoking the protection of Mother Mary, with her mantle of protection and peace, blue and white. Article Written by: Eduardo Chianca Posted in: Pleiadian Teachings