The Lemurians



Ashtar Sheran is the general commander of a stellar confederation, considered one of the UFO cults within the New Age that oversees the cultural evolution of the intelligent races that inhabit the Milky Way.

The etymological origin of his name is “the creator” and that is why he is identified with the Sumerian god Enki. The name seems to come from the god Ashtart or Ashtarté, who appears in the Latin Vulgate Bible as Astharthe. His name is also related as Mesopotamian Ishtar, as well as Astarte del Phoenician, Ester del Hebreo, Athar del Arabe, Itziar del Vascuence, Ishtar del Babylonian, Stára del Persian and Astar del Abinisio. There are thousands of spaceships traveling close to Earth and most of them are not visible. Your goal is to protect humans and be aware of any danger lurking on Earth. Due to their high scientific-technological level, they can control energy and matter, they don’t live on a physical plane, but an ethereal one, but their bodies are the same as humans in appearance, although more subtle. These beneficial beings who protect humans are the authority that controls the space program on planet Earth, Ashtar’s mission.




Ashtar Sheran is an angel at the service of God who fulfills the same mission as the Archangel Michael, only using more advanced technology that humans would understand as miraculous.

Lemuria exists to this day in a fifth dimensional frequency, although it is not yet evident to your third dimensional vision and perception. The Lady TELOS Book 1 Revelations of New Lemuria Aurelia Louise Jones

Mount Shasta: The New Lemuria

There is still much speculation about survivors or under what conditions the Lemurian race continued. Many peoples are identified as descendants and there does not seem to be a consensus, which is natural, due to the huge proportion of the continent.

However, many channelings known worldwide indicate Mount Shasta as a refuge for Lemurian survivors and the place where New Lemuria is located. Majestic peak located in the Cascade Range, in northern California, Mount Shasta is 4322 m high and its top is more than 3000 m above the plain that surrounds it. Much mysticism surrounds the history of this mountain, which, according to the mythology of local peoples, “the footprints of God’s feet when he came to Earth” would have formed its great glaciers. Sacred and considered a multidimensional interplanetary gateway, Mount Shasta is also believed to be home to survivors of Ancient Lemuria. Before the sinking of the continent and aware of their eventual fate, the ancient Lemurians used their mastery of energy mastery and excavated an underground city within Shasta with the intention of preserving their culture, treasures and records of Earth’s ancient history and, those who they were in a higher evolutionary stage, they obtained authorization to migrate to the interior of the mount. So our Lemurian brothers and sisters never left us and are still here, limitless, living a 5th dimensional reality with a vibration invisible to us. There in Shasta, they continue their evolutionary path and work with the Cosmic Laws, helping humanity trapped in the 3rd dimension to transcend its illusions.
