Systemic Family Constellation

“Peace begins where each of us can be the way we are.”
Bert Hellinger

Systemic family constellations are an experiential learning-based group modality developed by German philosopher, former Catholic priest, and psychotherapist, Bert Hellinger. The constellation process reveals the influence of generational histories in ways that our Western-trained minds find challenging to access. It promotes visibility and consciousness of our shared humanity, including our tendencies to be constricted by unhealed loss and trauma experienced by our ancestors.

According to the theory that serves as the basis for the family constellation, sessions can help solve problems of family origin, difficulties in relationships between parents and children, as well as challenges in intimate relationships. Thus, the people who generally resort to the family constellation are those who:

  •         They seek to solve family problems;
  •         They need to address negative relationship patterns;
  •         They want to overcome internal turmoil;
  •         Who has experienced significant trauma or loss.

In addition, family constellation therapy is also a great tool for those seeking to achieve a higher level of professional or personal success.



Helps identify family problems that are most often not easily perceived. It provides emotional relief, because, through the technique, the individual can take the first step to solve the identified problems. It is possible to solve family problems and restore peace. › constelacao-familia

Systemic and Family Constellations – Family Constellations West