The Masters


We are leaded by our masters of the great white brotherhood

The masters say that spiritual discovery is lonely. “Why are we together then?” asked a disciple. “You are together because a forest is stronger than a single tree”, replied the master. “The forest resists the wind much more, in addition to helping the soil to be fertile”, he continued. root, but it cannot make any other plant grow”. And the master concludes: “Having the same purpose and letting each one grow is the path of those who share with God”. Paulo Coelho

Spiritual practice needs to be daily and constant.
El Morya - first blue ray

 Through Master Morya’s teachings and guidance, we were able to attain the qualities of leadership, the proper use of power and the word, and final surrender to the divine will of God. El Morya teaches us to reach the perfection of our actions and words. Following his teachings, we are always under the protection of the angels of the 1st ray and we find Faith in God and divine direction for everything. We learn to obey God’s commandments and to love God and his law above all else. We amplify our divine Power, our Courage, our Light and energy.

Don't do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you.
Confúsio - second golden ray

It serves on the 2nd Ray, the Golden Ray, which represents the 2nd Person of the Holy Trinity. Master Confucius’ philosophy is based on human goodness. This fiery focus is consecrated to the radiation, expansion and precipitation of the Divine Will in the world of form. From this burning focus, the necessary instructions to promote the progress of humanity depart.

The Power of Love is Inexhaustible.
Mestra Rowena - third pink ray

É reconhecida como a Mestra da delicadeza, diplomacia e beleza. Ele está interessado em estimular talentos. Mestra Rowena está pronta para atender a todos que a procuram, também dá atenção especial aos filhos do Planeta, que devem crescer rodeados de amor, em ambiente propício ao desenvolvimento das virtudes divinas. Ela tem um interesse especial pela música e pede aos seus discípulos que usem a música harmoniosa em suas casas, em seus santuários, para elevar a gama vibratória dos ambientes e de seus corpos.

We need to rise in this life!
Serapis Bey - Fourth white ray

Serapis Bey is a beloved master who disciplines us in ascension initiations. In addition to purity and soul purification rituals, the Fourth Ray qualities of the heart of God are the desire to manifest the perfection of inner patterns and the desire for self-discipline of our spiritual hierarch. Master’s Message: “Beloved Sons: In the White Flame of Luxor, the Power of Ascension and Harmony bless humanity so that each one finds their true path, directing their activities to the Greater Plan of God-Father-Mother. May you invoke the Fraternity of Luxor so that in the Light of a new frequency all your ideals may be realized in Unity and Love. Project in front of you a great white pyramid that expands, expands, expands more and more, enveloping all Beings in Light. The more Beings are sharing the same thought-form, the greater will be the manifestations of Peace and Unity on Earth. Love and Light,

I AM Serapis Bey in you”

You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
Hilarion - fifth green ray

Hilarion is a teacher of immortal truth, divine science, all physical and metaphysical branches of science and the healing arts. It guides Initiation through the Third Eye Chakra, which always reveals the Truth. Your gift of the Holy Ghost is Healing. Which can be miraculous, but also done through science, good medicines, successful surgeries, physical or spiritual, or through forms of therapy.

Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water will flow from his belly.
Nada - Golden ruby sixth ray

Master Nada observes and blesses with much love all those who in some way act with the gifts of service to others, so the people who directly receive the powers of the 6th Ray are those whom Master Nada watches with attention. it is the ray of love, healing, and peace. Master Nada is devoted to the human family, humanity, her mission is to take care of the family by helping with karma. She believes in human beings and therefore wants to help them evolve. Also, she had a lot of influence coming from the 3rd ray, the Pink Flame of Love. Before becoming the Chohan (master, or leader) of the 6th ray, she was a priestess in the temple of love, there she emitted from the center of the temple the ray of love that served for the healing and support and evolution, both of human life and from nature.

Saint Germain - seventh violet ray

Saint Germain was the physical Father of Jesus, “The representative of the Son of God” and is also the Father of all the sons and daughters of God who walk the path of Christ on Earth. His soul yearning has been to free humanity from oppression, injustice, ignorance, pain, evil, ego and everything that imprisons the soul. This is the Flame of Transmutation, Freedom and Divine Forgiveness. This has always been the hallmark of its struggle and service in all its incarnations, acting in the most different areas, always raising the flag of Freedom.

Mãe Maria

Mother Mary - Patron of therapists

Arcanjo Raphael

Archangel Rafael - protector of therapists

São Miguel Arcanjo

Archangel Michael - Prince of the Celestial Militia